21 Super Effective Habits of Highly Successful People By Peter Economy

21 Super Effective Habits of Highly Successful People By Peter Economy

Published Jan. 21, 2025, 9:47 a.m. by AkanfeAdeyinka

As hard as it is for me to believe, it’s been more than three decades since Stephen Covey wrote his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The book was a smash bestseller and had a positive impact on readers for many years after it was published.

While Covey honed his list of habits down to just seven, there are many other things that highly effective people do to become successful. Here are 21 that you can put to work in your own life right now.

1. Go outside of your comfort zone.

Look at challenges as an opportunity to evolve and explore unfamiliar environments, realizing that discomfort is the path to growth.

2. Aim to always get better.

Constantly push your limits and set the bar high for yourself.

3. Embrace learning from mistakes.

We all make mistakes, so the best thing to do is to learn from them and avoid dwelling on the past. This will free you to move forward instead of always looking backward.

4. Find fulfillment within.

Put more emphasis on inner happiness and self-development than on outer validations such as fame or status. In this way, what you’re doing will be more meaningful.

5. Be optimistic.

Accept that bad things will happen in work and life but remain optimistic—realistic but resilient.

6. Avoid multitasking, prioritize deep work.

Focus on digging deep into problems—solving them one at a time—instead of trying to juggle too many balls in the air all at once This improves productivity and reduces anxiety.

7. Value relationships and connections.

Prioritize building and growing your network of relationships and connections. The more people in your network, the more effective you will be.

8. Grow through obstacles
Follow whatever route offers you the best learning opportunity, even if it is harder. You will grow as a result.

9. Be authentic.

The most successful people are authentic—they reveal their true selves in everything they do.

10. Care for yourself.

Regularly set aside time to rest and recuperate so that you’re fresh and healthy and able to concentrate and function at your very best.

11. Make decisions thoughtfully.

Resist the temptation to make kneejerk decisions, especially in emotional situations.

12. Practice gratitude and generosity.

Give thanks for your success and look for opportunities to pay it forward.

13. Demonstrate perseverance.

Continue to strive for success even when you fail because patience and perseverance are keys to long-term achievement.

14. Treat everyone with respect.

Everyone in your work life and your personal life deserve respect, just as you do. Respect others and they will respect you.

15. Think about the process, not the endpoint.

You’ll be happier and more fulfilled when you’re moving toward your mission rather than simply focusing on achieving a goal.

16. Seek multiple viewpoints.

Actively look for different perspectives than your own—none of us knows everything, nor should we even try.

17. Be creative.

Always make a point of exploring and trying new things—refuse to accept mediocrity.

18. Take responsibility.

Don’t make excuses, instead, take responsibility for the things you do, good or bad.
19. Support others in their journey.

The journey through life and business isn’t always an easy one, so make it a habit to support others and help them along the way. You’ll build loyalty and deeper relationships in the process.

20. Be a lifelong learner.

Constantly learn and improve yourself, never compromising when it comes to welcoming positive change into your life.

21. Live with passion and purpose.

Do everything you do with passion and commitment with your heart fully dedicated to the work you have chosen.

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